A Philosopher's Blog

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted in Miscellaneous by Michael LaBossiere on November 22, 2012
English: Oven roasted turkey, common fare for ...

 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Happy Thanksgiving!

I plan on doing my traditional Thanksgiving: running the 15K race in the Tallahassee Turkey Trot, dropping off clothes for charity, then cooking a turkey that will not give me food poisoning. I’ll also grade some papers-which hurts less when I’m stuffed with turkey and pumpkin pie.

As a descendant of John Howland and Native Americans of New England, Thanksgiving is something of a family holiday. I am thankful that the Mayflower made it-otherwise I would not exist. And what a loss that would be.

I am also thankful that I am not a vegetarian, because turkey is so damn good. At least when it doesn’t give me food poisoning.

Here is to everyone having a good day with family, friends and food. Be sure to think of those less fortunate as well.



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