A Philosopher's Blog

Who will win?

Posted in Politics by Michael LaBossiere on January 14, 2008

It is interesting to see how the candidates behave. So far, McCain and Huckabee have been very civil with each other. However, they have been somewhat less so with Romney. Edwards has been mostly nice, but Obama and Hillary are starting to take more shots at each other.

People have asked me how I think it will play out. My usual answer is that it is too early to call: like asking who is going to win the marathon at mile 1.

 On the Democrat side, I suspect that Hillary and Obama will not be willing to be VP. This seems to be a common view, so I’m not going out on any limbs here. That more or less leaves Edwards as the shoe in for that much sought after office. Hey, it worked great for Al. He is now a rich, famous man with a Nobel prize. Plus his own jet. It throws out a lot of pollution, but a Nobel prize winner cannot be expected to walk or bike, can he?

The Republican side is tougher. I think Rudy is out, but he could make a return. If we get hit by terrorists, I suspect his numbers would shoot upwards. Romney flip flops in a foolish manner-he says things that can easily be disproven (like the bit about hunting). But, people elected Bush, so who knows. McCain is very consistent and a principled man. He also showed that he has a fundamental trait that is essential to being a good leader (in the moral sense): he is willing to sacrifice his own well being for the good of others. His time in Vietnam and his behavior as a POW makes it clear what sort of man he is. I respect him a great deal and America could do far worse. And has. Huckabee has Chuck Norris. But his tax proposal seems problematic, at best. I think that it would actually result in less spending and harm the economy. But, I’m not an economist and will need to examine his plan and see how past attempts with similar plans have fared.

Who will win? At this point the finish line is far away, so only a fool would make a call. I’m thinking Cthulhu will clinch it. He’d be the biggest change candidate ever. 🙂